Short story “The Zoo” is an ironical satire on the economic condition and social discrimination of Pakistani society.
Introduction: In literature and other arts, satire is a style or technique used by the writers and speakers in a play, novel, short stories, essays, poems or other performing arts to criticize the short comings of individuals, people or government, or shaming in an exaggerating, mocking and ironical manner. In any developed country, the fundamental needs of its people are the first priority of the Government. The fundamental needs include shelter, health, education and equality or justice. These needs can also be called “Necessities of life”. In order to get well balanced and successful society every government should first make these necessities available for its people, afterwards the government can work on luxuries of live. If the government is unable to fulfill these necessities of their people than it will generate injustice. Thus, the balanced and harmony of the society will be lost. The short story “ The Zoo ”, written by Tariq Rahman, is an ironical satire on the soc...